Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's party

Well, I am headed out to a New Year's party. We'll see how this goes... there will be lots of kids, and of course their parents. I can't tell if there will be anyone really MY age, but shall enjoy myself all the same. I would tell you happy new year now, but it's quite early for all of you. So I'll leave that for whenever we get back tomorrow. Hope you all have fun plans!


  1. Happy 2010 Wil!!! I was quite alone, Nathan called Brent 70 seconds before midnight our time and Le was at a party, JE was at a party, Moga&Matey were asleep @2215. I didn't even get kissed at midnight!!! (Hard to talk on the phone and give yer old mom a kiss on the cheek) Already had Buh tell T he is the first & so far ONLY person I dislike this year... ALL year at that point in time(0127) I got off to a great start ;-} Hey, my bed was made with clean sheets! xoxoxox
