Sunday, January 31, 2010


I have very little motivation to do homework. What would I rather do? Make good food. I have liked making food for... as long as I remember. (And I remember getting to make 5 eggs for breakfast all by myself for my 5th birthday. I'm fairly sure it was a Sunday, too. That's how excited I was.)

Now that I live in this building, it's taking on a different aspect. Here, making food is not a requirement. Other people make food for me every day of the week. If I don't make lunch, someone else will. It will likely be edible. If not, I can fall back on the cereal or canned soup in my room. Once or twice a week (max), that's not a bad lunch. So making food is completely a choice.

There's another difference here. Lots of people to eat my stuff. I like making sweets. Cookies. Cakes. Chocolate ganache. Most ingredients are readily available in the house kitchen. But if I make it, I often eat too much of it. Here I can share. With 106 students in the building, even if something goes wrong (hasn't yet) there are plenty of people who will eat anything. And when it goes right, there are plenty of people to let me know. Like tonight's gingerbread. After at least 15 happy faces and happy tummies, how can linguistics hope to compare? For the immediate satisfaction, it certainly cannot.


  1. This is the mom, I didn't notice Tami was signed in until I was ready to post, no glasses...and your blog won't let me cut and paste my comment and if I switch users at the end the comment is consigned to oblivion.

    Does Tami need to worry about competition from your corner? Do we need to let you know too who did the catering for movies? ;-}
    Your fifth birthday was indeed on a Sunday, thank you and the calculate a date function...
    I am waiting for you to become the sugar cookie queen and win redemption in the eyes of your former victims, I mean former eating audience. They tasted fine it was just the off grey color...
    I am enjoying your recipes, keep 'em coming cutie and we will keep trying 'em out for you. I am sure you were informed that JC2 likes the bell pepper tapenade... he really does.

  2. I'm not sure why I didn't see this post sooner. ANyway it is cool that you have peeps to feed your food to & I would try to root for linguistics but sadly I don't know many key words to throw in or how to use them properly. I did I would say come Wil you know sentence trees are great! But since I don't understand what those are I'm not much help....
