Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Just a quick note before I start my day - ended up not making cinnamon rolls because by the time I got started I was too impatient to wait for them to rise twice. Instead I went with banana bread. That went over smashingly well, thank you! As long as there are last-minute seats left (just 5 euro!), I am headed to the opera tonight, to see Eugene Oneguine, by Tchaikovski, and this morning I am headed off to Where the Wild Things Are. In part because it's listed as being in Eng w/ sub titles (which I am not holding my breath about at all, in case that's wrong) and in part b/c right now it's only paying at the discount movie in Round Rock, and when I search for Sunday, I can't find any times for it at all. And missing it would be sad! Will let you know more later :)

1 comment:

  1. With nuts? Opera AND the Wild Things?!?! Well, you ARE on vacation ;-}
    I am headed to school to pick up JE and bring him home...he has what JC2 and Buh had last week, and an English paper I suspect he didn't get all his sources cited properly for -
