Sunday, February 7, 2010

Well, when you put it that way...

I was talking to a friend here about how much I don't like grading for the level I have this semester. It's much more difficult and time-consuming. He says something like, "that's what's paying for your free ride, right?" I contend that it's not a free ride if I have to work for it! But I have to admit that, yes, grading and teaching is indeed what pays all my bills... and I can't exactly complain about that... will whine to someone else next time :)


  1. I agree free means you don't have to do anything for it. It is definitely a sweet deal and I wish midwifery schools offered that kind of thing but it isn't completely free.

  2. Smart Girl - finding someone else to whine to.
    Free Ride isn't quite right, I think Le's Sweet Deal comes closer to the truth, but neither addresses the reality, sometimes the difficulty and time consumption lessens the "sweet" and needs to be aired*! *whined about
