Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Still here

Since I've settled in, things have really slowed down. I go to class for 4 hours a day, with a 4 hour break in the middle when I go home, eat lunch, and do some homework (they tend to give us hw for the break.) I'm pretty frustrated with how slowly the course is going, especially since I found out that one of the other classes that started from the very beginning has been moving faster than us. I have to get through a certain # of chapters in order to take Arabic in the fall, and at this rate we will never make it - if some of the students can't even remember their alphabets still, how much will they slow us down later?? I thought at first maybe it was just ppls' motivations differ, but the two other girls who are doing well are learning arabic more or less for fun, so that's out as an explanation. I'm sure it will end up ok, blahblahblah, but I wish our profs would tell them, "go home, memorize this, you should know it by now." We're taking a whole 40 hours to do what I know they do in the program in Austin in 25-28. More people come in 1 1/2 weeks, maybe they'll mix up the classes then.... I kinda hope for that, but at the same time it could get worse probably, too. I'm hungry so food and slow class are the only things on my mind, which means I should stop now. Hope you all are well!


  1. Wait, they have the same program in Austin?

  2. Maybe you can "test out" of your slow class and "test in" to the faster class?
    I found my cooking light cookbook Beki!!! I was determined to open EVERY box before I move and while Brent was helping me this morning we were targeting 'heavy' boxes and viola' there is was! Oh happy day. I later found the packing list for it and my bamboo "spoons". I never lost them! They get used real regular ;-Þ
    xoxoxox esplain to Le that learning in a native setting is more authentic, etc. And has the added bonus of tweeking yer ole mom

  3. Le - more or less, yeah. They cover a little more material (a week longer) and use the same number. One of my friends is taking it, so we'll see who does better in the fall :)

    Mom - You DO know I have an email address too, right :) But, no, the next class up started w/ knowing the whole alphabet and 2 chapters more. I think I'm probably the only one with the kind of unusual background.
