Monday, June 6, 2011

I made some pictures work!

View from my roofMe on the giant castle stairs in Lisbon (where I apparently left my umbrella. grrrrr.)

Sunset from the plane!

Ok, it's not much, but it took like 15 minutes for these to upload from school, so you better appreciate it! Time for class now!


  1. I appreciate the pictures and I read the post to buh so he at least appreciates that part of it! I even grrrrd for the umbrella. He sez you just need to have a jerk meter, don't ask 'cause I am sure he Doesn't have one to sell you. We went thru more boxes today and I found a ton of stuff from, for or about you. I threw out the folder of junk mail for you from 2002. Serious.
    The view from your roof is amazing. Jealous here! Tami's new apt has rats. YUCK xoxoxox

  2. is it me or do those stairs no longer connect with anything? Just wondering...

  3. So is that a stairway to heaven? Cuz I didn't see anything at the top....
