Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Apple, apple, apple!

(Make sure that was in a dancy/singsong voice.) My host family has bread with butter & jam for breakfast. With super sweet tea. Not surprising, not unusual, but I am used to fruit with breakfast. Usually a banana. I have actually been putting butter on my bread in an effort to have breakfast get me through til lunch time. This morning I had to go get a notebook because I didn't bring one (assuming they'd be cheaper here, and I think they are) and once I secured two - using only Arabic - I decided to look for fruit. There was a place that sells fruit juices and stuff, and had a ton of whole fruit. I asked (French this time) if I could just get an apple. She seemed surprised, but said ok. Then she looked for a prettier one, washed it for me, and gave it to me. Before I could even ask how much she said I didn't owe her anything. 'Are you sure?' 'Yes, yes' and I suddenly forgot the word for thank you in Arabic but found it after a second and she was just like 'no big deal' (assuming the words matched the body language.) It looks like they have good juices, too. And they're like 1.50 for a fresh whatever. I will certainly have to go back to try them.


  1. that was exactly how i had said it in my head (as a singsong happy dance)! Good job with your Arabic, are you going to be speaking it the whole time there?

    Butter on your bread!? OMG! That's crazy! lol. you're funny.

  2. I don't particularly like butter. so sue me.

  3. Heellooo Tam she is the 7 year old that would pat her pizza to remove excess grease. Jr doesn't like butter on her toast and she can tell even if it's hiding under the jam.

  4. if I had known it was genetic...
    I am glad you got an apple to brighten your day!
