Monday, February 15, 2010

I feel so decadent

I hold in my hand 50 cents worth of Valrhona cocoa powder. I am going to make hot chocolate with it. And with hershey's. And with a swiss miss mix. 3 separate cups. All at the same time. And have a personal tasting party. And then we will see if the Name lives up to its Reputation. And then I will probably go for a run or something. And it will be so worth it.


  1. At least pick the swiss miss super yummy double dark chocolate pack so it has a fair chance. :)

  2. I am always available to help with taste testing, just fyi. I love you! xoxoxox
    Tami and I spent yesterday sickie so I will spare you the details, however I WILL tell you Chugga is NOT impressed when the grownups in his life flake out on him!!! Thank goodness An Wanna stayed healthy and even took him to FHE where he was VERY popular,(his dandelion hair Never fails to get compliments) SO, which taste won?

  3. I didn't do it yet! I have to have time to properly enjoy all three cups of hot chocolate. But I will certainly let you know once it happens. :)
