Monday, October 18, 2010

who is this kid??

A friend was looking for a pattern and so I found something decent on the McCall's site. Then I noticed they had a section for religious costumes. Turns out they're mostly christmas/easter-y. There are shepards, wisemen, a king (?), an angel, generic peasants, maybe Mary. But who the heck is this kid???



  1. he's another wiseman, the pattern only showed 2 besides him and doncha know there are 3.

  2. ohhhhh, I had it one pattern for wise men and you just have to vary the colors, so the other guy was king herod or summat, making this guy totally useless. But why does wiseman = clown with a robe?

  3. I was going to guess this one was King Herod since you said it wasn't a wiseman...

  4. yeah i was guess wiseman but then i like the idea of king herod better. i'll let you make Matey a king herod outfit, just don't tell your mom.
