Monday, May 30, 2011


I just posted two things that I wrote over the weekend, so ask me questions and I will answer them.


  1. How did you help as interpreter? Language you picked up in Tunisia? French? In the arranged marriage discussion. Are you making a word list or 'dictionary' of your dozen words you know? I think I would make a phonetic list to keep my edge. ;-} If I had one ;-Þ
    Is there just a mom and a daughter in your host family? What are their approximate ages? Are there older married children? Grand children? Are you in a house? Apartment type structure? Houses joined to the neighbors? A yard? Garden? Trees? Cobblestone streets?
    I love you xoxoxox

  2. Where do you go to classes? An actual college campus or a local school bldg? Are your teachers volunteers just for your classes or are they teaching other classes as well as yours? Or is this a summer job for them?
    I love you! xoxoxox
